Sunday 31 July 2011


Photoshoot with Howard's sweet family :-)

Wow, I can't express how much fun I had shooting these guys. Sean (the son), was just awesome to shoot cuz he's pretty handsome and cute and loves to pull a cheeky face once in a while. I guess I also underestimated the difficulty of shooting kids.  Man, they run around and you really gotta chase em and get to their eye level. I was so sweaty on this winters day after chasing Sean around in the fields trying to "capture that moment".

Here are my favourite shots!

Saturday 30 July 2011


Unhappy with last week's effort, I decided to go alone in the bush with a tripod in search of falling water. This place is also within  few minutes drive from Hornsby. When I got there, the light was simply perfect for taking these shots, but as time went by, suddenly it was all dark and I was walking for 10 minutes in the bushwalk trail in pretty dark conditions. Actually quite scary!

Anyhow here is my favourite shot for the day, click to enlarge.

Sunday 24 July 2011

BUSHWALK | 24.07.11

Today, I thought I was going take a photo of a water fall that I had spotted in google maps. I checked the map and saw a short path of 1km walk to this water fall. The only problem is, to get to this bushwalk track, you basically need to descend about 8 meters down this vertical metal ladder against the cliffs... erm, I guess I could do that, but not sure about the missus.

So needless to say, disappointed ... we just went off to a nearby bushwalk trail to look for something interesting to shoot with not much luck.

Sunday 10 July 2011

FAGAN PARK | 09.07.2011

Today, I went with my beautiful wife to take photos in Fagan Park. It was a bright sunny day and after grabbing a burger and chips from the local snackbar for lunch, we went off to take photos in this beautiful park.